
Myth Busting 201

  Hello Reader! I hope you’ve liked the first part of Myth Busting I’ve written. I got a lot of responses back on this particular topic and I felt glad that there are many out there, who are as annoyed as I am about few of these superstitions we are obliged to follow. In this article, I am going to write about few other myths that I came across and also some of them that are suggested by you. Just to clarify, the sole purpose of this article is to spread the knowledge and awareness. I don’t mean to comment or offend anyone’s beliefs. Now that the Disclaimer has been given again, let’s get to the topic. Dahi Cheeni – The Sweet Bundle of Luck Myth – It is widely believed that eating Curd and Sugar before doing something important brings good fortune. Reality – Eating Curd has a cooling effect on our digestive system and it helps to soothe our body and mind, also, eating sugar energizes our body by supplying glucose to the brain. It is meant to provide instant energy to the body

Myth Busting 101

  Hello Reader! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. This week’s article is completely about the common myths and superstitions we come across daily and the underlying wisdom behind them. The sole purpose of this article is to spread the knowledge and awareness. I don’t mean to comment or offend anyone’s beliefs. Now that the Disclaimer has been given let’s get to the topic. Menstruating Women – A Taboo Myth – A woman on her period shouldn’t cook, visit temples or mosques, should stay away from puja rooms in houses. In few households, they go as far and treat them as “untouchables”. Reality  – Menstruating women lose a lot of blood and it’s very painful and stressful  for them. Because they had to endure such pain, they were refrained from  performing any strenuous household activities. To offer them some rest, they  were asked not to do any tedious activities and it somehow ended up as an “impurity” nonsensical superstition. Peepal Tree – Ghost’s Murder Playground Myth –

The WFH Paradigm

Hello Reader! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. As you might be aware, the present pandemic situation has rendered several complications in many working-class sectors. Every sector came up with its own way to tackle these complications, one such industry that underwent monumental changes to support the regular work regime being the IT industry. Enabling the employees in most sectors to work from home was probably the most crucial step taken to tackle this pandemic, ensure the safety of employee’s and their families and pillar the regular business operations. I am an IT employee and I have been working from home for almost 6 months now. I will be sharing few facts about WFH in this post.       In light of COVID-19, WFH appears to be the “buzz topic” but in reality, it isn’t any new concept. Remote workers weren’t born overnight when the World Wide Web (WWW) was first invented in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee while working at CERN. Before the Industrial Revolution, many skilled blacksmiths,

A Dummy’s Entrée into Blogging 101

Hello Reader! If you’re wondering, Hey! Now here’s a blog post which is going to teach me how to write a blog, attract readers, get featured, earn money and become popular then I can assure you this post has nothing to do with any of that. This is my first blog post and I figured why not write an anecdote of how I ended up writing this very post. Let me begin my story – I like to read random stuff off the internet, just random unrelated stuff. Sometimes I read about a cool Comic character, or some conspiracy theory, some tech related posts, or some health tips (few that I follow, few that I just read to forget later, but mostly tips on losing weight – google how to lose weight fast without exercise in a month for some amazing tips), some supernatural theories and real life incidents, some short stories, etc. So yeah, when I start reading such random stuff from Instagram, Quora or Google itself, I usually end up in a website with a random blog post, with the author sharing his take