A Dummy’s Entrée into Blogging 101

Hello Reader! If you’re wondering, Hey! Now here’s a blog post which is going to teach me how to write a blog, attract readers, get featured, earn money and become popular then I can assure you this post has nothing to do with any of that. This is my first blog post and I figured why not write an anecdote of how I ended up writing this very post.

Let me begin my story – I like to read random stuff off the internet, just random unrelated stuff. Sometimes I read about a cool Comic character, or some conspiracy theory, some tech related posts, or some health tips (few that I follow, few that I just read to forget later, but mostly tips on losing weight – google how to lose weight fast without exercise in a month for some amazing tips), some supernatural theories and real life incidents, some short stories, etc. So yeah, when I start reading such random stuff from Instagram, Quora or Google itself, I usually end up in a website with a random blog post, with the author sharing his take on the topic. One day, out of the blue, I just thought maybe I can start blogging too. I was obviously excited with this idea so I decided yes, let’s start blogging. The decision was made, I was very sure it was the idea of the century, but now came “THE MILLION DOLLAR ? ”


“WHAT SHOULD I BLOG ABOUT?”, naturally I was clueless. I was neither a historian to write about famous conspiracy theories, nor was I a Doctor to give health tips. So I did what most of us would do, I went to Google seeking help. I found some topics (Top 50 topics to start blogging about, 20 most unique blogging ideas) and some textbook definitions, 

Blog - A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

Blogging - Blogging is a collection of skills that one needs to run and supervise a blog. This entails equipping a web page with tools to make the process of writing, posting, linking, and sharing content easier on the internet.

Blogger - A blogger is someone who runs and controls a blog. He or she shares his or her opinion and knowledge on different topics for a target audience.

I got curious and I started reading more about the types of blogs, types of bloggers, how to earn by blogging and after spending almost half of my weekend reading about this stuff I understood something.

A Blog is just a means for you to write and speak out your views and opinions about any topic. It can very well be a hobby; we have the freedom to write about any topic and make our blog diverse rather than it being a food blog or a health blog. Thus, I decided to start writing and since I’ve been reading so much about blogs and blogging, I thought of writing about how I got intrigued with the idea of making blogging as a new hobby. Writing is a beautiful art and it requires a lot of patience, practice and research to write about any topic. I am nowhere near to being called a writer or a blogger but I want to cherish this new hobby of mine, just write about stuff and put my views out in the open. I am excited about the fact that somewhere someone might find what I write to be interesting and maybe relate to themselves. It could even be you. Thank You Reader!


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